Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.
Ronald Reagan

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The Forgotten Celebrity

I was standing in line at the grocery store the other day.  There was a large lady in front of me with curlers and a cart full of processed food.  I felt sorry for her ankles.  So I had time to glance at all the magazines they place at impulse level.  It's all about celebrities these days.  Celebrities are people that are famous.  I'm not certain what the criteria are for fame, I mean the numbers.  How many people have to know you're alive to be considered famous?  Are all famous people also celebrities?  Probably not, I think celebrity is limited to entertainment, mostly.  Anyway I really don't care.  What I care about is Bigfoot.  Before it became legal to write about entertainers gaining weight or getting pregnant, the National Inquirer and others would publish information about Bigfoot.  They not only listed sightings and encounters, but included personal information as well, such as the time Bigfoot gave birth to an alien child.  I really miss those articles.  Not only were they interesting, but they kept the public informed on current locations and behaviors of Bigfoot.  Now I never know when, or where Bigfoot will appear, or how he will act.  I don't have anything against celebrities, I just think it was thoughtless and insensitive to abandon Bigfoot like he was nothing but a fantasy.  It's just wrong.   

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